Peace Officers Memorial Day

In 1962, President Kennedy signed a Congressional resolution designating May 15th as the Peace Officers Memorial Day.

Take a moment today to remember the fallen officers and their families.

R.I.P. Officers.


(Photo is memorial in downtown Cleveland.)

American Thinker: Is America Conquered when the American Flag is 'Offensive'?

American Thinker: Is America Conquered when the American Flag is 'Offensive' ?

Californians were recently confronted with a sobering reality. Students at a large high school in the Morgan Hill district were told by school administrators that American flag tee shirts and other patriotic paraphernalia were not allowed, citing Cinco de Mayo as justification.

By John Griffing

Read the whole thing. We are being challenged on many fronts but this may be the most important one.


No Celebration Here!

Last week the "commies" had a great big "whoop dee doo" celebrating the fall of Saigon on
30-April-1975. The rest is history.

As for me, I'm still pissed off.

There are 58,261 reasons.

Never Forget!

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